
Addressing Mobile Operator VoLTE Roaming LI Challenges

This is a busy time for mobile operators, both large and small. The march toward 5G deployment is underway for most large mobile operators while small and mid-size operators are pushing toward the deployment of IP Multimedia Systems (IMS) for Voice over LTE (VoLTE) operation. VoLTE allows operators to phase out 3G voice service by […]

International Pandemic Contact Tracing Standards Group Formed

The formation of an international pandemic contact tracing standards group was announced yesterday. Designated E4P, it is being established as an open public-private initiative under ETSI to “develop a framework and consistent set of specifications for proximity tracing systems, to enable the development of applications and platforms, and to facilitate international interoperability” that also provide for privacy […]

Why Yaana filed in this FCC Rule-making Proceeding?

A LI standards colleague brought to our attention that without most people realizing it, the FCC had on its own created a new CALEA rulemaking proceeding with a proposed CALEA technical standard. CALEA as you probably know is the 1994 law in the U.S. that requires communication providers to have the technical capacity to provide […]

5G Security – Metrics of the Engaged

This past month on 03-06 March, the global industry sub-group that exists at the center of 5G security met virtually. It is known as SA3 within the 3GPP organization, and it met over a period of five days to deal with some of the most important 5G security requirements. 3GPP is a “partnership” created among […]

WTSA-2020: Reflecting on a Contemporary ITU-T Role

Setting the stage Every four years — as it has done for nearly a hundred years — the ITU-T as the world’s only global intergovernmental standards body for all telecommunication, invites its 196 sovereign state members to a meeting where they examine their work and set the stage for the next four years. There is […]

Truth in Web Digital Identity?

Most of us, when we go to a website and see the little lock at the top of the browser, don’t think twice and trust that we are communicating with the right company or organization. However, this is no longer the case because of a rather radical development that has largely occurred without notice or […]

Cybersecurity Standards Practices as Cyber Threats

One of the most embarrassing and pernicious realities in the world of cybersecurity is the stark reality that some industry cybersecurity standards practices are themselves cyber threats. How so? Most industry and intergovernmental standards bodies serve as means for assembling the constantly evolving collective knowledge of participant experts and package the resulting specifications and best […]

Call Spoofing: Congress Calls on FCC, Russia and China Answer

It is both amusing and dismaying. Last year, Congress passed Ray Baum’s Act telling the FCC to do something about those pesky incoming foreign SPAM calls and texts with the fake callerIDs. The FCC a couple of weeks ago responded with a chest-thumping Report and Order claiming it has “extraterritorial jurisdiction” that it does not have and […]

Understanding 5G: A Basic Primer

The initial, essential step toward understanding 5G is to perform an intellectual body purge of the endless disgorging of cluelessness and disinformation that emerges from the Washington White House and radiates out around that city and then to the outside world that it infects. The institutes, pundits, self-professed experts, summits, and even the U.S. press […]