CALEA Compliance: Do it yourself or Outsource?

Congress enacted the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (“CALEA”) in 1994, requiring telecommunications service providers to assist law enforcement agencies in executing electronic surveillance, according to a court order or other lawful authorization. Since 2006, the Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) has extended the requirements of CALEA to service providers of two-way interconnected VoIP and […]

Why Yaana filed in this FCC Rule-making Proceeding?

A LI standards colleague brought to our attention that without most people realizing it, the FCC had on its own created a new CALEA rulemaking proceeding with a proposed CALEA technical standard. CALEA as you probably know is the 1994 law in the U.S. that requires communication providers to have the technical capacity to provide […]

DMCA Compliance Becomes a Serious Obligation for ISPs

With a virtual stroke of the pen on 1st February, 2018 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit brought a new reality to the world of Internet Service Providers. In the watershed 37-page decision in BMG Rights Management v. Cox Communications case, the court held that providers of internet access can indeed be held “contributorily liable” for infringement of copyrights by their service subscribers. And with Cox facing a judgment of $25 million, the obligations were indeed real and the consequence of ignoring them was severe.

House Encryption Working Group Report: Falls Short

On December 20, 2016, the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Encryption Working Group released its Year-End Report. Although, the topic invites politics and rhetoric by its nature, and its conclusions of more “exploration” are certainly appropriate, the report also falls short in several areas.

NFV Plenary #16 wraps up 2016 in Shenzhen

The industry’s principal Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) standards venue wrapped up the year in the world’s powerhouse electronics capital, Shenzhen, December 12-15, hosted by Huawei Technologies. 176 participants under the leadership of newly elected plenary chair Diego Lopez of Telefónica, fielded 80 input documents. The event included multiple NFV sub-group meetings, a joint meeting with the MEC (Mobile Edge Computing) standards group, a Huawei workshop, and a special 5G session. ETSI also provided an update on the first NFV plugtests for interoperability among almost every vendor being held in Madrid for the week beginning January 23.

VoLTE, 5G Challenges and Solution for Mobile Service Providers

Wireless infrastructure networks are constantly evolving. Often mobile service providers must maintain multiple generations in order to support new and legacy services. Unfortunately we don’t see this getting any easier anytime soon with the emergence of VoLTE and 5G on the horizon.

The Apple Encryption Case

Almost every day, the press carries some latest assertion by Apple or assorted self-proclaimed encryption experts that smartphone devices must be unalterably encrypted. A virtual army of bloggers and lobbying groups have joined the fray to ramp up anti-government paranoia and convince users and the public that highly encrypted smartphones are good for the world. Never mind that the capability primarily benefits terrorists and criminals.

ISAO Challenges

Earlier this week on 9 November at a public location outside Washington DC, a U.S. Department of Homeland Security sponsored Initial Public Meeting was held for establishing Information Sharing and Analysis Organization (ISAO) Standards. After some initial speeches by DHS officials, the contractor host of the meeting described the efforts and sought to gather information and ideas from the approximately 50+ attendees.